Standards (SATS Results)
The Government judges schools on their SATs results – for us, that is KS2 SATs that all Year 6 children take part in. Results are published to parents in League Tables.
Reading, Maths and GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) are judged using a national test – what the child scores in the tests on the day – it is a snapshot of their ability on that day.
Writing is judged by the class teacher based on criteria set by the Department for Education. A child must have met every criteria on the list to be judged as achieving the standard.
In the new tests, the expected standard is measured completely differently. The ‘expected’ score is set at 100, but scores can range between 80 and 120. Effectively, anything over 100 is at ‘expected standard’. Any score over 110 is ‘working at a greater depth’.
Parents are informed as to whether or not their child has met the expected standard and the scaled score they achieved.
These results show we are still working slightly below the national average. However, we are closing the gap rapidly due to the accelerated progress the children are making. We are pleased with how the children have achieved, but are fully aware that this is not good enough...yet! All of our efforts are focused on Cedars Academy providing as good an education as can be received anywhere in the country and to ensure our children have the best possible preparation for the next stage of their education and beyond.